Upcoming Events

March 12 - Monthly meeting

April 18-20 - Annual Show - Details

A photo collage of dogs competing in various AKC events- scent work, lure coursing, conformation, fast CAT.



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An up close head shot of a cute Whippet puppy trying to sniff the camera, positioned in front of trees.
A Junior Handler preparing to release her German Shorthaired Pointer to chase the lure in Fast CAT.

Founded in 1961, the Northwest Arkansas Kennel Club is dedicated to the advancement and preservation of all breeds of purebred dogs within our community. We are committed to protecting the interests of these breeds and fostering a culture of sportsmanship, integrity, and excellence in dog shows, lure coursing, obedience trials, and other competitive events. We strive to celebrate the unique qualities of each breed and promote responsible dog ownership and breeding practices.

Have an accomplishment you’d like to brag about on the club blog? Submit it here!